One Is The Loneliest Number…Meh

No baby yet.  I have been pregnant for 39 weeks, 2 days, 11 hours and 43 minutes.  In case you’re thinking to yourself “you still have about a week before your due date, why so impatient?”  Well, its because at the doctor’s office last week I learned Everett is at (likely over) 8 pounds and if he decides to wait around for my due date or later, I may give birth to a 10 pound man-child with facial hair.  Eeek!  I don’t even feel close to being in labor. Honestly I could participate in a food court flash mob right now and dance my heart out to “All I Want For Christmas Is You.”  Maybe that will force Everett out of my womb.  C’est la vie, nothing to do but wait.

According to the comedians at, Everett should be comprable to a mini watermelon but we’re going to skip ahead to week 41 and say he’s more like a pumpkin:

   Breastfeeding is going to be tricky with the two teeth Everett is already sporting.  Scary.

So what do I do with my time now that I’m simply playing the waiting game?  Well, besides cleaning, I am currently enjoying what I refer to as Jenn Time.  For those of you who know me at least a little, you know that I tend to be a bit introverted, well, a lot introverted.  All of my purple life I have been perfectly happy doing most activities alone.  I like working out alone, taking walks in the park alone, shopping alone, going to the movies alone, driving alone, sitting on a bench alone and before I got married my perfect evening consisted of myself, a bottle of wine (okay, 2 bottles of wine) and episodes of Veronica Mars.

I realize that once Everett is here, Jenn Time will be hard to come by for many, many, many years and thinking of that does make me a little sad.  I’m already crazy about Everett and I can’t wait to hold him in my arms and then pass him to my darling husband for a diaper change.  I’m sure that will trump my alone time any day.  Actually, what I’ll miss even more than my precious Jenn Time, is my time alone with Jeff.  A few nights ago we ate a late dinner together then lounged on the couch and watched a comedy DVD.  It was simple, fun, warm in his arms and no one interrupted our time together.

Jenn <3’s Jeff 4-ever

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