Spare heir and hair did

Look! I’m back! Life has been pretty cray these last few years. Here are some quick updates:

  • Everett is 41 months old. Isn’t that super obnoxious? If you’re still counting months after 24 of them, stop it.  Ain’t nobody got time to do the math. Anyway, Everett is in pre-school and obviously the smartest kid in class.  At least that’s how his teachers preface our weekly chats regarding his playground shenanigans…Everett and Fox
  • Jeff and I have been married for 5 years now and in 2013 we purchased our first house! We’re a good #lifegoals team.
  • And then you know the same old jazz: Work, commuting, birthday parties, road trips, running, friends, family, Vampire Diaries, and so on.
  • I’m pregnant again.

Oh, what? Just a bullet point for the second baby? Everett got an entire blog. I’ll get around to talking about the new baby. But first, let’s talk about me.

Second pregnancy is different than the first pregnancy. I had a lot of restrictions during my first pregnancy that I just scoff at now. I mean of course I don’t go skydiving or get drunk at happy hour. But there are so many rules, likely made up by the man, to keep a pregnant woman down. Here are just a few examples of “rules” I now break:

  • Raw fish. Serve it up please! Feel free to add an egg over easy while you’re at it.Nicki Minaj during the filming of last week's Graham Norton Show.
  • Coffee. I stick to decaf as much as I can.
  • Deli meat and soft cheese. If I want a ham sandwich, I’m going to have one.
  • Hair coloring. Got my hair colored a few weeks ago. This pregnant woman is looking stylish.
  • Heat. I don’t go into saunas or anything but I still do my intense long jogs. This website advises pregnant women to check their temperature at the gym every 20 minutes with a rectal thermometer. No thanks.

Of course I take good care of myself, eat right, down lots of organic vitamins, stay hydrated, and keep up with all my prenatal appointments.

Okay, now to the new baby. I’m due October 17th so I’m already half way through my pregnancy. See photo of baby:

Opal's leg

As you can tell by the leg, I’m having a girl. She is perfect and healthy. Stay tuned for more…

1 thought on “Spare heir and hair did

  1. BABY! 🙂 :-* I am SOOOO HAPPY, thrilled beyond words!!! I am happy to hear you’re enjoying your pregnancy and NOT getting TOO neurotic :-D. My buddy, Emi said her niece is pregnant and her doctor said NOT to eat sushi or any raw foods. I’m glad you’re writing again, I ALWAYS enjoy reading your writing (sounds funny :-D, but its true) I love you LOTS AND LOTS :-*

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