So you’re telling me I can make a baby without a doctor?!

I meant to update my blog a few weeks ago. But then I had to pee. Sorry for the delay. Anyway, I’m 35 weeks pregnant, baby is 5 pounds and my uterus is pushing up against my rib cage. I’ve been getting those Braxton Hicks contractions and I have heartburn after most meals. It’s been a real party over here! I’ve also transitioned to weekly prenatal appointments with my midwives.

A few folks have been curious as to how the whole midwife and birth center thing works. When I tell people I don’t see an OBGYN and that I’ll be giving birth in a bathtub, I get this look:

The Roots of Donald Trump

I’m fortunate to be low risk and have an opportunity to experience birth outside of the hospital. I know this isn’t the case for many American women. Plus, I’ve done the whole hospital and OBGYN thing and want a different experience this time around. So, what has my pregnancy been like with midwives? Let me walk you through a typical check up.

After some research, we decided to go with the excellent midwives at South Coast Midwifery. The birth center is located in Irvine and reminds me more of a spa than the place where “ring of fire” will be the climax of my adventure.

First, my vitals are taken as well as all the routine blood and urine tests that would happen with an OBGYN. My check ups are done in one of the beautiful birthing suites. Here is the tub I will be giving birth in:


Here I am doing my weigh in – the scale says “I can tell you ain’t missin no meals.”


After we do my vitals, I meet with a lovely lady named Regina. She is a midwife assistant and doula. Regina talks to me about test results, my general health and my diet.

Next, I meet with one of the three midwives. I’ve had an opportunity to get to know all three since either one of them may be on call when I go into labor. The midwife answers any questions I have, she will also go over my vitals if anything seems concerning (I’ve been anemic this entire pregnancy), how I should be preparing my body for birth and reviewing any homework I may have had to complete. Yes, there’s occasionally homework.

Next, the midwife will have me lay down on the comfy bed for a nice long nap.


I wish! I lay down for an exam and measurements. We also listen to the baby’s heartbeat. The midwife will then have me map my belly and feel where the baby’s head, back and butt are – it’s pretty cool!

We then chat about what I can expect at the next appointment, exercises I should start incorporating and upcoming birth classes at the center. When I was pregnant with Everett, I talked to my OBGYN for 10 minutes at appointments, these midwives talk to me for AN HOUR. I’m all like:

why are you so obsessed with me

I schedule my next appointment and then there’s lots of hugs. That’s it!

And just a few facts to ease some minds. The birth center is prepared with all the equipment and meds for mom and baby that a hospital birthing room would have. The only thing the midwives can’t do is surgery (c-section). There is an emergency plan already in place if anything goes wrong during delivery and I need to be transported to a hospital (which is less than a mile away.) The midwives also work directly with an OBGYN at the hospital.

Finally, a big shout out to Jeff. He has been incredibly supportive of my birth plan, the center and midwives. He also gets to catch our baby girl when she is born – pretty neat!

Well, I have to pee again. Cheers!

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